Monday, November 22, 2021

G T Foster

The Media Trust

Franklin, Pulitzer, Hearst 

Chandler, Young, Nolan

Lester, Knight and Murdoch

Keepers of the gate

News to blind-side

Unfit to be read by fit 

Thinkers of disunited nations

Give me photographs

To mobilize the masses

And I’ll give you war

Lusitania, Maine

Cuban missiles

Mobile weapons 

Of mass destruction

Cut, paste, and edit to print

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Hurricane Lantern

My therapist asked me today;

on a scale of 1 to murder where did I stand?

Because I wanted to watch my kids

walk across stage and graduate high school –

Little Matryoshka could stay nestled

safe within her privilege

A few key stokes is all it would

take to find her

Her social media would tell me

all I need to know about her nestled dolls

Who are her friends, names of her family,

what kind of interest and hobbies she has

Scrolling intently, making diligent

mental notes of familiar places around town

A sneer curls my lip as my brow furrows

above my manic eyes…I chuckle

Everyone puts their trust in Social Media!

Living that Instagram life! Click, click post!

How many dolls does she have tucked away?

My homicidal tendencies flicker like a lamplight

Dancing behind the glass; I am an elegant flame –

as the kerosene of collective trauma swishes below

Should her nestled dolls dance to close to me

My broken glass flame will turn them all to dust

In Social Media We Trust

We pledge allegiance to our phones 

that keep us fused together

And to the Republic for which we


One Nation Under Google, 

Facebook too, with Twitter, Tic Tok,

Instagram and Snapchat Filters for all.

Lori Wall-Holloway


It is a time of lockdown

when false beliefs

and rants arise

I feel my anger climb

when social media posts 

with cruel attacks towards 

others jump at me from 

the computer screen

My decision to speak

out and voice 

an opinion opposite 

of what another believes 

is quickly condemned

I cry out “Fools!”

but choose not to engage 

in a Facebook war

Instead, I calm myself 

and take solace 

in the wisdom 

of my Bible

where I happen 

to turn to Proverbs 26

I take a deep breath 

and resolve to refrain 

from expressing my views

electing to write 

in such a way 

people may listen  

Kenneth Irving Scott Jr.

Fear of Unplugging

Before there was an Information Age,

people had to think for themselves.

Before people could text,

they actually had to open their mouths in order to speak.

Before people could surf or cruise the web,

they actually had to learn how to get along in the real world.

Pray that no one pulls the plug

and erases this generation's identity.

When it comes to recent inventions that have too much power over our lives,

the Internet is at the top of the list,

having knocked electricity down to second place a decade ago,

and completely overshadowing water purification and petrochemicals.

Quite a few people would never have gotten married

unless they had met their significant other online,

and for many others, texting has actually become more important than

driving safely and surviving the commute.

The truth is, we have been hit with an information tsunami,

and our inner virtues are drowning.

It would seem as though the Internet-enabled smartphone

has long since replaced the crack pipe and the cocaine straw,

and, no, there is no detox clinic for this pandemic addiction.

And if the average human being was told

to either give up the Internet for one month or be put to death,

then that human being would surely die.

There are many adults who did well in a world that had no Internet,

but as they give in to old age and pass away, they are being replaced by

generations of adults literally born in bondage to the Internet,

adults who have an easier time texting than they do speaking.

If the plug does get pulled, will humanity survive?

We may call it cyberspace, but that doesn't make the Internet

another organ in our bodies, albeit a synthetic one. Otherwise,

we'd all be born texting.

From "Various Works by Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr. (Volume 59)"

Copyright (c) 2015, Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr., All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 12 August 2014, 11:15PM

Mind Ray in My Cell' Phone

There is a mind ray in my cell' phone,

addicting me to the high of high-tech boondoggles,

forcing me to be happy and stupid

against my will. There is a mind ray in my cell' phone,

and I get stoned on the buzz of the digital frequency.

She has become my pocket bitch,

seducing me to push her mechanical buttons

in the middle of heavy freeway traffic,

makin' me look like the chatterin' dumb-ass on the crowded elevator

as my tongue licks her mic' with mad vibrations.

There is a mind ray in my cell' phone makin' me

bow down to the very big unhip corporate machine,

lulling me to sleep with Republican wet-dreams and Enron fuck-fantasies.

There is a very ungroovy mind ray in my cell' phone and I

think I'm gone


From "Various Works by Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr. (Volume 10)"

Copyright (c) 2002, Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr., All Rights Reserved

5 April 2002

Overload Overlord

The Information Age,

ever learning,

and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

This present world is flooded with

an unprecedented tsunami of data

bringing confusion instead of peace.

And the more humanity knows,

the less humanity understands.

How can a thousand ways to wipe your butt and

ten-thousand ways to grow soybeans and

a hundred-thousand ways to build an electric power-plant and

a million ways to have sex

teach you to be kind to your neighbor?

Can you really find your own dignity and self-worth

within ten-million results from a search-engine query?

Sometimes, more isn't better.

We've seen more information within the past five years

than we've ever seen in the earlier five-thousand,

and with it came heinous new ways of

maiming, violating, stealing, killing, and destroying,

every step towards the light being counteracted by

ten steps towards the darkness, people hopelessly enticed by

this endless deluge of data like flies trapped in sweet syrup,

suffocating, drowning, dying like the days of Noah's flood.

Humanity does not have the Information Age:

the Information Age has humanity, possesses humanity,

owns humanity like a master owns a slave,

like a narcotic owns a drug-addict.

And the only way to get that next fix is by

performing yet another query on yet another search-engine.

Some things were never meant to be found.

From "Various Works by Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr. (Volume 49)"

Copyright (c) 2012, Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr., All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 7 August 2010, 12:25AM

Jessica Lea












wondering where the fucking time went


watch it morph

into zeros and ones

soul windows


recalibrated digital lives


if I were to blink faster

could I transform into those

zeros and ones?

I already have the zero part down.

Patricia Murphy

Social Media

I think social media 

has taken away the 

intimacy of conversation

one on one with a partner.

Instead of conversing with a 

significant other people are glued

to their iPods, cell phones and computers.

The art of conversation is a

long last art of the past.

Young people today are


They only know how to text.

If people had more one on one time,

perhaps there would be less crime.

For to skip out on a dime would be a fine.

Who knows when the tide will turn.

If we have hope,

and see beyond the scope.

Then all is not lost


The art of trust is a work of art.

I find it hard to trust.

I find it enthralling when it happens.

It's great to be able to trust.

Especially when you find someone.

To be able to talk openly about our

hopes, dreams, aspirations and goals.

To go to your one and only 

and speak your truth.

Is a miracle.

To be able to speak

From your heart

Is a masterpiece.

To let your loved one

hear you is wonderful.

It's courageous.

It's marvelous.

Something to behold. 

Radomir Vojtech Luza

Meditation on Myself

By the light of dawn

Among alabaster clouds

Stalled above lush lawn

Bipolar mind crocheting 

Another daquiri green lie

Swollen legs

Right peg with

Brace, boot, shoe and walker

Prepared for God's stalker

Wound on right

Bloody but tight

A year in this nursing home bite

An emotional fight

No money

Soon to lose my place

What about my honey

With this handsome face?

Often thoughts of the end

Bend through my swollen mind

Like a breeze 

The forest unkind

Weeping and wondering what

Happened to the man I once knew

Happy as a Mardi Gras crew

Fearing the future

Like but a few

Tearing my dreams at the seams

I am so blue

Seeing black where they observe light

Soaring through hell high as a kite

Trusting everyone and no one

My God given right


Trusting God

Kneeling in a pew

Eating stew

Trusting my fiance

Animated as an anime

Sensitive as a little girl

Trusting my mother

Forever the actress

Breaking down straight away

To her getaway

Trusting my father

Ball of doubt

Reason and logic

Ever so stout

Trusting Jesus

His bloody cross

Fragile as moss

Trusting myself

Forever strong

Talent long

Without so much as a bong

Trusting my cousin

The therapist

Pulling me out of the mist

With an unusual list

Raising a clenched fist  

Trusting my friend

The nursing assistant

Telling me the truth

From a parking booth

Adoring my front tooth

Like Vermouth

R A Ruadh

Easy to Miss

So easy to miss


To tune in to the cyberspace connection

To find the wavelength the one who seems in the same direction

To share the road the highway the talk

The virtual walk.

So easy to miss


Please know me,

Show me, throw me

A lifeline, byline, love line, straight line, pick-up line

Or a one line.

Cryptic notes greet hearts poured out

Slide shows, films of wars which shout

That here I am and you are not,

So disregard this post, these tears, this unseen blot.

No time today. Sent. No reply.

So easy to miss


In each our tiny laptop hell

We aimless browse new thrills and breathless wait the message bell

Like Pavlov’s dog we salivate

In hopes of wisdom or a date.

The girl next door has lost her charms

We’d rather seek out constitutional alarms

We argue freedom and civil liberties

From behind a cloak of agoraphobic distrustful maybes.

Imagination and fear fuel our research

Don’t analyze just search and church

The dark webbed rabbit hole answers our why

While in the ladderless tunnels snakes multiply

Could our profiles ever meet

Would they recognize each other in the street

Or have we created an open book

Whose only pages are the ones in which we like how we look?

No need to risk honesty’s abyss

Of truths and lies it is all one of virtual unreal bliss

Anonymity’s cues a clever hideaway

Leaves message unread. No reply today.

So easy to miss



Pain lances across my pleasure
A lightning strike
Incinerating my arousal
No spark is left

You like it rough though
Not reflected back
Your bigness is suddenly no longer
A gentle space to blossom

Piracy replaces pleasure
Pornography packs a punch
Progress measured in penises
Pain powers possession

I seek the sensual
Slithering slide of skin and sweat
Sweet sensations of
Sinuous sunlit snakes and
Melting moonlight magic

When Pan would possess Syrinx
She shape shifted into
Slender reeds of song
Forcing him at last to tenderness
Lest she disappear altogether
Into the wind

Ox Gallows

Perhaps executioners
Learned it from farmers
To erect the gallows
Outside the convict’s window

We are most comfortable
Viewing our steaks in neat packages
The old fashioned among us examining
Row upon row at the butcher

Driving through the bucolic countryside
We do not think of frolicking
Lambs and placid grazing cattle
As raw meat

Here on the farm the ox fattens
On potatoes and pumpkins while the farmer
Builds the scaffold and
Tri-poled hoist for hanging and cooling him

Then he waits for cold daytime weather

On that chilly morning
The farmer will turn off the electric fence
Feeding the ox his last meal

Before administering a
Quick death
Within inches of freedom

Jeffry Michael Jensen

Forty Thousand Headmen Can't Be Wrong


No one came to the block party with conceptual beasts.

There was a multitude of confused tenants lining up in traffic pushing

a poisonous social media philosophy onto the amateur players.

There was no trust among any of them; they were all left out of the loop.

They were forced to go underground on their own.

No poetry could guide them in or out of the social media jungle.

No map would show them where any of the missing peace pipes were last puffed.

I ended up all wet and existential in a concrete crisis doing backflips in the buff.

Taking defiance on the road, I discovered that dystopian dolls

drive on the wrong side of one raunchy two raunchy three raunchy four.

I figured that the grumbling music of the martini crowd could tailed behind

and never grind down Biblical sobriety onboard any planet ready for shredding.

Someone felt obligated to switch arson for assassination.

This vision spread among the candidates before any gutted media giants could scream.

The lobby nourished the sharpies who flashed folk singing smoke.

I felt enslaved by the intellectual furniture of the future.

It was all an unfathomable swirling poetic servitude.

It was all a delicious embarking into some sort of shattered social dreamscape.

I did my best to improvise a vicious jazzed drum beat.

No one heard me except the ferocious cats living on the fifth floor of delusion.

I served myself with great gusto away from the servants.

I don’t want anyone picking up after me, helping me with such mojo in the mix.

The nursemaids can all go take a flying leap into oblivion.

The wallpaper has real self-righteous rhyme peppered all over it.

Couplets everywhere pushing a sturdy hardworking medicated flair.

Yes,flair doesn’t have to be light or airy.

No no no to ludicrous trustworthy domesticity in all its flavors.

Popping up in equal amounts of sodden inflections,

I can’t continue to thrive on some bitter crappy coronation.

It is time to climb over the stains of public pungent disaster

as 40,000 headmen take a boldly drastic turn toward metaphysical traffic

and all the damnable gods that live to make the wind cry.

Rick Leddy

Let Them Eat…


Twitter exploded

Had she actually said that?

#LetThemEatCake trending

Who does Marie Antoinette think she is?

One million hits and rising


@RealMarie: I have been misquoted. Out of context. The mainstream media not interested in the truth #FakeNews


@RealMarie: Said let them eat brioche, not cake. Blame POS Rousseau, not me. Anyway, can’t take a little joke? Cake is delicious, BTW! #libtards #snowflakes


@ThirdEstate: Hilarious! You should take that act on the road! So funny we forgot to laugh! #LockHerUp #StormTheBastille


@BigLouie16: Let’s not all lose our heads over this. What’s not to like about cake? #peasantslovecake #coolerheads #overreaction


@Robespierre: @RealMarie ur not even French. ur Austrian! How did you even get into this country? Ru colluding with the Hapsburgs??? #Buildthemoat #collusion


@RealMarie: @Robespierre Seriously? Married to BIGLouie16! Duh! U can’t touch me. I’m the QUEEN! NO HAPSBURG COLLUSION. #witchhunt


@RealMarie: I am the real victim here. Haters always hating. The @LowlyPeasants love me! We had the biggest coronation ever! HUGE! #MakeAlsaceGreatAgain


@Robespierre: @RealMarie Just another foreigner taking our jobs! #chainmigration


@LowlyPeasants: We’ll be marching right over for our cake. Mind if we bring a guillotine over to cut it up? JK. LOL! #peasantlivesmatter


@RealMarie: You can all eat effing cake. Deleting my account. #seeya


@LowlyPeasants: Does this mean no delicious cake? #oppressedcakelovers


@RealMarie: Whatev. #deleted


Charles Harmon


Photo by Erick Ming Harmon

Tish Eastman

Catfish is Plural and Singular

guess I’m the catfish now

filtering frown lines

through digital gills 

avoiding fish lines

like a whiskered jinn 

sucking scum off the river bed

sculling in the mainstream

riling up salmon 

with a flirtatious fin 

so the fat fish 

are delivered fit 

for when the real catfish

scam their way in. 

The Joy of Blocking


don’t always blend easily;

it takes patience and practice

to thread cold cream into a hot roux.

Too many cooks 

lack skill or the desire to learn.

We separate 

like yolks from whites

and snap ourselves 

into airtight containers,

retreat into flipped-image houses, 

on opposite sides 

of the aisle.

We order our meals delivered 

and having no further use 

for kitchens,

(or the clattering chaos 

of chefs),


dinner conversation


We tap in a box

and block.

Life Raft

We all forget in the chaos

of shouting about privacy 

and conspiracies 

trolls and scams 


and addictions

that billions of  

benign interactions 

like tendrils straining

toward tenderness

zip around a globe

where a million someones cry

and their faint SOS

gets answered.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Joan McNerney

When I Was New

When I was new

and the world was new.


So many roads to wander

under a cerulean sky.

Forbidden fruits to savor,

forbidden lips to taste.


Full of promise, flowers

budding on the vine.

Their perfume covering

my fingertips.


I hurried through each day

alive with my songs.

The moon rose just for me,

stars burned just for me


Every morning brought 

sunshine to my window.

Another day bursting with wonder

waiting at my doorstep.


Each hand I held was

warm and inviting. My eyes

were opened wide filled with

trust. Joy surrounded me.


Spring was greener then.

When I was new

and the world was new.



Where the Lost Gather


The sky is drenched in

grey and black as people

traipse along avenues trying

to cross mounds of snow. 


Teenagers gang up huddling

under broad awnings their

brightly colored jackets spread

like rainbow clusters against

brick walls. 


Gloria twitched her umbrella

nervously, its handle was cold

Where were her gloves?  

Will the bus ever come?


Stepping off the curb twisting

her neck...repeating the familiar

tape..."stay optimistic, be brave,

everything will work out eventually" 


Another appointment another pill pusher

another doctor as healthy as a horse 

How could he possibly understand?

How could she put her trust in him?


What about her habits...smoking,

drinking, taking street drugs, having

an active sex life? Anxious, depressed? 

Prying questions but no solutions


A waste of money with so little cash left

and a waste of time, but time stood still now

heavy hours pressing down crushing her




That is the time for serious work.

Odd radio concertos. Half-read

classics. Occasional trips to

choice museums.


The time for hard red apples,

sagging boots, chalk-white.

Time for snow to cover

winter trees.


The day's work has been done.

The sun fell out of the sky.

In this black night

this deep night

I stand and wait

trusting only

the miracles

I see.

Charles Harmon

Welcome to the Thetaverse

In blog we trust. Yes, I believe in social media!

If it’s online, it must be science fiction come true!

There it is, in living color floating on the cloud!

But now there is so much more than mere reality!

Prepare to enter the Metaverse and beyond.

Virtual influencer Bangkok Naughty Boo

blends fantasy and reality being gender fluid

forever young, created by computer generation

artificial intelligence augmented mixed virtual reality

call her a digital deep fake she’s as real or surreal

as you want her to be, and you can be what you wish

in this brave, depraved new world where you

get it on with a sex robot limited only by your

imagination, but be careful what you wish for

because you might just get it, get it right up the…

like a colonoscopy on an unconscious politician

when you get Zucked, your identity stolen and

reborn, twisted, recreated, cut into pieces and

repackaged until you become what you fantasize.


So then, welcome to the Thetaverse, oh yeah,

hello yellow brick road, where everything is poppy green.

It’s all electric, pollution free, solar wind hydro electricity

with no pollution, no people, negative population growth

to the point of diminishing returns and humans are sparse.

Theta stands for the Greek word thanatos, meaning death

and in the Thetaverse we will have moved beyond life

and become eternal, non-fungible tokens digitalized

set to live forever in electronic circuitous mother boards.


Yes, we will all live forever as non-fungible tokens of ourselves

endlessly orbiting one another in the circuits of quantum computers

able to read one million poems a minute and write a billion an hour.

We will have the power to become eternal, ghosts in the machine,

but instead of us writing the poems the poems will be writing us

in quantum computer code, Escher’s hands drawing one another,

will it steal your soul or create a new one, chainblocking on

heaven’s door, a path to synthetic heaven or highway to hell?

This is the quest, you avatars a spectrum of specters made of AI,

no more privacy, your mind belongs to the hive, the Borgia

give in—resistance is futile—or write a poem and be free!


CaLokie AKA Carl Stilwell

A Found Agitprop Poem from the Social Media *·

You cannot breathe money

You cannot drink oil

You cannot re-create

a habitable biosphere

The fossil fuel industry is bringing us

to the precipice of collapse

Politicians are complicit

The media is turning a blind eye

If you want a future

you must rise up


* From a retweet of a Daryl Hannah retweet of a tweet

from ResistLine3@ResistLine3

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Shih-Fang Wang


Deep in cyber space

Internet trolls hiding

Behind fake names

Eyebrows raised

Fangs sticking out 

From crooked grin

Hungry for blood

Hover over 

Looking for preys

Words as weapons 

Sharper than spears

Arranged in lethal ways

Post on social media 

As if launching missiles 

To attack

Their lies rip 

Through blind crowd

Victims whine helplessly 

As trolls take

Sadistic pleasure 

From these sufferers

His Secret

It was long ago and now again

Their lives crisscross

In social media he stumbles into her 

The first love that carved deeply in his heart

It is far away yet so near 

Staring at her on the screen he feels as if

He could extend his arms to hold her

Alas, she is in someone else’s embrace 

It is just a light click away to reach her

Yet his finger is heavier than a ton

As it is interlocked with another woman’s

At last, his sanity beats his temptation 

It might stir up a ripple only 

But a destructive wave is also possible

A risk he dares not take

Rather he just follows her 

Quietly in cyberspace

Social Media Trust


It’s a jungle in cyberspace

Reaching globally, social media users

Are swimming in worldwide milieu


In this vast communicating platform

With countless users hiding behind screens

How perilous when issue of trust is dealt with


Never lacking are those predators 

Scammers, profiters and political influencers

Roaming around the world wide web

Lurking and prowling for prey

Feeding public with fake news, propaganda,

clickbait, exploiting business and many others

It is a jungle out there 

Full of tricks and traps

We take our own risks

To gallivant around internet

Lorelei Kay

Since I Climbed In Your Blue Jeep

Steep jeep trails have always been there    

winding over rugged hills

but I never ventured down them

or enjoyed their scenic thrills.  


One fine day your Jeep came calling

I climbed in and buckled tight

didn’t know what I was starting

trusted you’d keep us  upright.


Panamint and Dusy Ershim 

Canyonlands and Calico 

Big Bear Mountain and the Hammers

—rocky climbs and steep plateaus 


Sierra Trek and Moab’s jeep runs

soon our fav’rite  go-to spots

as our explorations mounted

trails wound in a big love knot.


We’ve jeeped over rifts and chasms  

as I look in our rear view

I spy all our grand adventures—

I’m danged glad I said “I do!” 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Joe Grieco

Titling the New Book of Poems

What about

The Hard Times Poems. Or

The Man With A Hard Poem... A Hard Hat

The Hard Hat’s Book Of Poems

The Man With A Dull Book... A Dull Pen

The Man With A Girl’s Hat... A Girl’s Heart.  Yeah, The Man With A Girl’s Heart

The Man Who Wore Onesies.  The Poet Wore Onesies

No, not so much. Utter Nonsense

Yeats Bait: The Leg Aisle Of In-N-Out

O Cabin, My Cabin

Sex On A Train. Snakes On A Poem

I’m So Hungry I Can’t Look At Another Poem

This is going nowhere

The Man With A Soft, Dull, Sexy Hat... A Dull, Soft Hatful Of Sexy Poetry. 

Sex Poems For The Homeless

The Anti-Homeless Poems  

The Anti-Social Poems. The Anti-Social Media Poems

 Trolling Poems. Fishing For Hats

This Side of Tides...Tidals...This Side Of Titles

Under The Title:  Hats Atop A Heap Of Poems

Anywhere I Hang My Hat Is Poem

What’s with the hat? Forget the hat

Focus on structure: Observation, Insight, Resolve.

So We’ll No More Go A-Titling

Hardly, Lord, hardly... But Lordy, Byron had his title

Okay, I give.

The Sans Title Book Of Poems

Untitled Poems


There.  All this for that?

Scott C Kaestner


Mutated logic lifeguards

standardized test pools

programmed waves

of being crash into

the void we made

with our bare


Mark A Fisher


roll up roll up come see our show

all you’r eyes will view our glow

its learning time true or false

being wrong ain’t our faults

license us your copyright

we’ll make money from each byte

roll up roll up come see my show

all you’r eyes will view our glow


trolls lurk and sow dragon’s teeth

beneath each attempted bridge

for billy goats seeking pastures of plenty

beyond deserts and mountains

beneath each attempted bridge

flows scintillating rivers

beyond deserts and mountains

where wisdom goes to hide

flows scintillating rivers

into black lagoons

where wisdom goes to hide

among the serpents and moss

into black lagoons

stagnant underneath

among the serpents and moss

trolls lurk and sow dragon’s teeth


we need

an artificial intelligence

keeping score on each

of our 15 minutes

moderating our time

at the podium

fact checking

and rating

the truthfulness

of our commentaries

giving out ribbons

like county fairs

that we can wear

on our jackets


for all to see

who we are

when we’re at home

not wearing any


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Jackie Chou

I Thought You Wanted a Friend

Doctor in a lab coat

Sometimes you pose by a boat

In a silver leisure suit

Except it isn’t really you 

But an identity you stole

The world is rotten, I’m told

So what could you want from me?

I know I’m no beauty

What’s behind all the glam?

Nothing but a shameless scam


The more I think about it

the less I trust you

My heart squeezed

like a lemon in a fist

juice seeping into 

every well-thought-out rant

Yet all you can give me

is your pondering

pensive contemplation

brows knitted

lips downturned  

No love or like

Not even a laugh-out-loud

But a judging gaze

chin-rubbing fingers 

I want your tears

dark glasses over swollen eyes

some red devil horns maybe

just not the interrogation

of a thinking face

Robert Fleming

Safe Sex

can i trust you

with what my father 

gave my mother

to make me?


your sexual 


in my ear

what have you shared

with others?


coo your hiv status

the first letter typed into a text

became part of the text

letters next to each other

and on the same line

 sometimes formed a word

and became part

of the text

when letters and numbers were insufficient

to express what needed to be expressed, 

the texter inserted an emoji,

that became part

of the text

the texter who became the sender

was grateful

that they could not see nor hear the receiver

but that did not become part 

of the text

when the texter clicked on send

zeros and ones went forth to a receiver

and the text was happy to have gone forth, 

to connect the sender and receiver,

who were happy to have texted,

to be

in different places

and be 


a text went forth every minute

the man on my screen 

click on your face - 

dotted stubble 

in my p.m. window - 

my fingertips mouse 

for more- 

drag my pointer 

from your neck 

to your shoulder - 

drop my nails 

from your palm 

to your elbow - 

unzip your box - 

& close you up

Dean Okamura


don’t need to be clever
nor rich in words
nor strong

you can write
tap your inner

done better
than most


[1] "Pelicans sail over the waves," Rancho Palos Verdes, California (2021)

Social connection


to see



My friend across the room reads a poem.
Something in the voice plucks at my heartstrings.
Something I did not see on the page.
Friend’s whole life fills the air.
Transmits the sense.
Amplified by her backstory.



our faults,
selfish ways,


sabotage the poem
     and it drops to the ground
          lifeless and




More than words in isolation
placed upon the page,
little verbal spells
to conjure in minds
sickness, joys,
passions, pains.
Human feelings distinct from
a machine-like existence, as if
one could explain everything.
Every effect had a cause. So,
we could live wonderful
— or tragic — lives by



Major publishers have an agenda.
Minor poets have a direction.
The winds died.
Factories founded.
Poems graded on spreadsheets.


          "Thank you for submitting to {major publisher}.
          We appreciate your {minor effort},
          although we won’t be carrying
          your work in the magazine.
          We are grateful for the opportunity
          to read and consider it."


Major publishers have no connection.



My social contact with the poet informs my connection to their poems.
We are always more than our words on the page.


[1] Georgia O'Keeffe, "Sky Above Clouds IV” (1965), Art Institute of Chicago

Social Media
{Angry๐Ÿ˜ก} [1]

I looked
at Meta {Facebook}
for inspiration
to write a poem
on the theme
social media. {Wow๐Ÿ˜ฎ}


I guess
my friends and I
are not doing
inspiring things. {Sad๐Ÿ˜ฅ}


Why look
at the Metaverse
for inspiration? {Ha-ha๐Ÿ˜}


in social media. {Like๐Ÿ‘}


in real life. {Love}


[1] Credit: Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg announces Meta (2021)

Nelson Gary

A Little Criminal

The brain trust broken happened

Through the bullying of indifference,

The lurking of incoherence. No fault

Policy, the other cheek turned, spanked,

Tunes cranked in the solitude, cracking

The wall with its graffiti scrawled

As memorial once known in anonymous

Intimacy. Showered, I don’t call those

Dirty numbers, the penciled-in, calendrical

Squares swung once with secret sharers

Of these dark times enclosed, any longer.

Masked outsiders, most all are glued

To the computer. The whipping post

Made, the refrain usually from taboo.

A minimum is this totem pole carved

Electric with faces I once knew. Social

Article of soul has no references; therefore,

It has been retracted, discipline as a friendly 

Gesture: the journey of the faceless face.

Elsewhere, the deleted post made you moist.

You could somehow hear a bittersweet voice.

The integrity of the errors, honest mistakes,

The core of the corrections; your haircut,

A pageboy, the color of fire and brimstone.

I don’t know what to do on Zoom this alone

But trust my confession has not alienated

You more in your harrowing walk with the bored.

Bony you have become, a connoisseur

Of the humdrum, a collagist of invisible

Maps, peeling layers of skin on the shore

Of your lips.  Hatefully, I long for the big-screen

Kiss, a Tantalus, at a tree of knowledge

With his serpent in his fist. Your profile

On Facebook is a little criminal, a parole

From the manic, I suppose. Why reveal

The wounds, other than here on Zoom?

You’re right: “Too many dogs.” But 

You set them off with envy and spite

In the encyclopedic silence that defines

Most of the history of unseen humankind.

Marianne Szlyk


After Roy Hargrove and Felino A. Soriano

The father was a musician,

playing his trumpet at home 

each day without brushstrokes,

bright piano, or shards of flute

that gathered around him at night.

His horn’s scale climbed a bit,

like kids do outside.  He always

kept them safe. His notes didn’t 

stumble on hard earth.

An adult, the son scattered words 

like the flute’s notes in “Trust.”   Slanted

stepped down the page.  The last letter

held back, kept itself from falling.

Children/run/  ning leapt from the porch,

expecting grass to be there, as the son, 

now a father watching, wrote words 

that still fly.  

Thelma in Bushwick

Finding her way back to where

walls stand blank in blistering heat,

she almost misses the house, 

the last wooden one on this street,

its paint fading to silver,

its gingerbread carvings intact.

Imagining it’s cool inside, 

she pictures herself with her friend 

drinking tumblers of ice water. 

But dust and heat thicken stagnant air.

She would choke on just that alone.

She shakes her head.  She must visit

her old friend, the last she keeps up with.

Imagining a warm welcome,

she rings the doorbell.  She knows it will be

otherwise in that place. 

Still, she wishes she could trust her friend again.

The Prince Trusts He Will See Rapunzel

Someday I will walk past

that shut-up house again,

thin house where Rapunzel 

lives, herbal-scented hair

flowing past scabbed ankles,

past bare feet.  The witch has

brought her here, all

high towers having failed.

Here there are no flowers,

only weeds and lank trees.

But the house remains

when so much else does not.

Ghosts of the men who built

this house can’t peel open

the shutters, paint fading

beside brilliant ash leaves

while Rapunzel waits, dust

motes swimming around her,

while the witch turns herself

to milkweed in the wind.

Everyone else forgets her,

my Rapunzel.

Marc Olmsted

Supplication - Tharchin Rinpoche

Dancing skeleton -you told the grinning body's joke in ash;

Luminous teacher - your video'd presence echoes sleight-of-hand;

Deathless space - your mind neither captured nor released;

To this invisible certainty, I bow.

Shiny Request

radiate for the homeless

radiant in trumpist hearts

glowing in the white trash toothache brilliance

display a holy neon spinning the swastika to its original

First Nation Hindu & Tibetan coils

bursting from the eyes of cops

love beams melting guns

restoring humans from hairless killer apes

who then dance

in the lodge of

sun-up mind

Pretend It's Bright-Lit Santa

Grim reaper Mexican cartel

Voodoo child in a crรจche  of broken glass

rosary coiled serpent

Vampiro on the circuit one

chair too many to his

wrestler’s skull


Virginia Mariposa Dale

The Woman's Declaration of Independence

I hold these truths to be self evident.  All sexes are created equal and have the equal right to the pursuit of happiness. The female sex should not be subjugated or hampered in any way by her biological ability to give birth to her pursuit of happiness.  She should never feel intimidated or compelled by her possession of a uterus regardless of her color, creed or religion to interrupt her life in order to propagate the species.  She should realize that childbirth and child raising are the ultimate acts of submission and may detract from her ability to be a free and independent individual.  If she should choose to marry, she should not be compelled to marry anyone other than her choice regardless of race, color, creed or religion.  Though society may subtly or otherwise try to subjugate either her or her mate into this marriage union, she and he should realize that their expectations of one another will very likely change after such a union, and therefore feel no obligation to enter into a union which might prove deleterious to their relationship and/or freedom.  She on the other hand should never use her body to compel a member of the male sex to support, marry or otherwise be beholden to her through pregnancy or sexual relations.  

She should act independently from all social coercion, whether it be the media, fashion or her family, to compel her directly or indirectly to use her body to the detriment of her sense of self, her soul and her intellect.  If she should weaken and give in to any of the above, she should not feel guilty, but should realize that she may have to be all the more vigilant of that which is her independent self, her true self that she has derived despite the attempts of society, media and family to coerce her to conform to the obvious biological differences of her sex.            

Capitalist Pigs

Capitalism is their fine excuse
for centuries of untold abuse
exploitation of class, caste and mate
these people engender only hate
deep down inside
they are so insecure
that they pig and hoard
the world's vanishing resources
while the polite kind people
endure and endure and endure


Some of us keep our eyes wide open
most of us keep them tight shut
as we devour ourselves alive
first the verdant forests
then the fossil fuels 
were consumed without so much
as a backward glance
a few disclaimers at whom
we looked askance
Rachel Carson and her Silent Spring
silly girl, a physicist at that,
not even a slight rue of regret  
only the hustle and stampede of feet
the buffalo almost extinct
to ensure the humans got choice pieces
of the planet, their mother, the earth
only the native, the real Americans,
mourned the passing of the Earth
of which they were an integral part

Don Kingfisher Campbell

The Free Way


we were in the ‘63 brown Buick 

I bought from my uncle for 350 dollars 

blazing down the 210 Freeway to Ontario 

for Cal Jam 2, the rock’n’roll concert 

where we teens would light up 

freedom from our parents 

in a crowd of 300,000 at the speedway 

we walked through the tunnel 

to the infield where sleeping bags dotted the grass 

(we made tracks on the grass in just an hour 

it was 4am, I had been doing ‘78 

trying to drive the year) 

everyone was sleeping below the stars 

waiting to be awakened by hundred thousand watt speakers 

and reborn into rocking festival lyrics 

to hear our cultural leaders--Aerosmith, Santana, Foreigner, Heart, Ted Nugent, Mahogany Rush! 

and when it was over, after our fists pumped into the air 

thick with smoke and spilled beer and trampled dust 

we shuffled out, media fed cattle, mooing with happy tiredness

for the 2am drive home, I drove in the dark highway space 

weaving with ears buzzing, we had to stop 

to piss on the walls of a closed gas station 

spraying yellow sparks of independence in the night 

the liberation of being on our own--with friends 

hours of deep high to always remember


driving an eight lane freeway

cranking my mp3 player

electronic billboards along the way

colorful graffiti on concrete dividers

double bus folding right off the offramp

an unopened pack of Orbit in my pocket

passing stucco and glass manuments

rows of median planted palm trees

sight yellow arches and mermaid medallion

a quarter in the parking meter every fifteen minutes


When this third grader suffers

Through hours of spots, he reaches

For a trashed Excedrin bottle, chews

Pill, parrots phrase, "That's headache #39!"

Vomits strawberry Pop-Tarts on sidewalk

After a traumatic marital breakup

On a rainy day, two-decade-old

College student and draftsman, slugs

Down a six-pack of Anchor Steam,

Then listens to stomach gurgle in bed

Since half-centurian wants to express

Poetry coming out of his mind, only

A Gateway laptop will do for fast release

On websites like Facebook and Sakai

Because social feedback keeps him connected

G T Foster

The Media Trust Franklin, Pulitzer, Hearst  Chandler, Young, Nolan Lester, Knight and Murdoch Keepers of the gate News to blind-side Unfit t...