Friday, November 19, 2021

Joan McNerney

When I Was New

When I was new

and the world was new.


So many roads to wander

under a cerulean sky.

Forbidden fruits to savor,

forbidden lips to taste.


Full of promise, flowers

budding on the vine.

Their perfume covering

my fingertips.


I hurried through each day

alive with my songs.

The moon rose just for me,

stars burned just for me


Every morning brought 

sunshine to my window.

Another day bursting with wonder

waiting at my doorstep.


Each hand I held was

warm and inviting. My eyes

were opened wide filled with

trust. Joy surrounded me.


Spring was greener then.

When I was new

and the world was new.



Where the Lost Gather


The sky is drenched in

grey and black as people

traipse along avenues trying

to cross mounds of snow. 


Teenagers gang up huddling

under broad awnings their

brightly colored jackets spread

like rainbow clusters against

brick walls. 


Gloria twitched her umbrella

nervously, its handle was cold

Where were her gloves?  

Will the bus ever come?


Stepping off the curb twisting

her neck...repeating the familiar

tape..."stay optimistic, be brave,

everything will work out eventually" 


Another appointment another pill pusher

another doctor as healthy as a horse 

How could he possibly understand?

How could she put her trust in him?


What about her habits...smoking,

drinking, taking street drugs, having

an active sex life? Anxious, depressed? 

Prying questions but no solutions


A waste of money with so little cash left

and a waste of time, but time stood still now

heavy hours pressing down crushing her




That is the time for serious work.

Odd radio concertos. Half-read

classics. Occasional trips to

choice museums.


The time for hard red apples,

sagging boots, chalk-white.

Time for snow to cover

winter trees.


The day's work has been done.

The sun fell out of the sky.

In this black night

this deep night

I stand and wait

trusting only

the miracles

I see.

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