Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Joe Grieco

Titling the New Book of Poems

What about

The Hard Times Poems. Or

The Man With A Hard Poem... A Hard Hat

The Hard Hat’s Book Of Poems

The Man With A Dull Book... A Dull Pen

The Man With A Girl’s Hat... A Girl’s Heart.  Yeah, The Man With A Girl’s Heart

The Man Who Wore Onesies.  The Poet Wore Onesies

No, not so much. Utter Nonsense

Yeats Bait: The Leg Aisle Of In-N-Out

O Cabin, My Cabin

Sex On A Train. Snakes On A Poem

I’m So Hungry I Can’t Look At Another Poem

This is going nowhere

The Man With A Soft, Dull, Sexy Hat... A Dull, Soft Hatful Of Sexy Poetry. 

Sex Poems For The Homeless

The Anti-Homeless Poems  

The Anti-Social Poems. The Anti-Social Media Poems

 Trolling Poems. Fishing For Hats

This Side of Tides...Tidals...This Side Of Titles

Under The Title:  Hats Atop A Heap Of Poems

Anywhere I Hang My Hat Is Poem

What’s with the hat? Forget the hat

Focus on structure: Observation, Insight, Resolve.

So We’ll No More Go A-Titling

Hardly, Lord, hardly... But Lordy, Byron had his title

Okay, I give.

The Sans Title Book Of Poems

Untitled Poems


There.  All this for that?

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